Die Klimakrise ist ein Problem, das wir alle haben. Es ist ein globaler Krisenpunkt, der nicht nur von den USA gelöst werden kann.
I think it's a real thing, but I think it is being used as a scare tactic to push through a lot of bad policy.
I think it's a scam.
The world is getting warmer, but it'll be a while before we get to the point where we can't grow crops in the northern hemisphere.
I think it's a hoax. I'm not saying that the climate isn't changing, but I think it is a hoaxy thing to get money.
I think it's a hoax. The climate has always changed and will always change.
I think it's a real problem, but I don't think it will be solved by the current generation.
I'm not sure what to think. I'm 60 and I've seen a lot of changes in my lifetime. The climate has changed, the ozone layer has changed. It's hard to know what to do. We're all going to die anyway. What's the point?
Non ci credo.
Sono un ecologista, ma non credo che il mondo stia per finire. È troppo proficuo e troppo ricco di risorse. Non credo a questa storia di emergenza. C'è un'emergea, ma è quella delle banche e delle multinazionali che stanno rubando tutto.
I think it's a huge problem. I think it is a huge issue that the US is pulling out of the Paris Agreement. I don't think it will be solved in my lifetime, but I think we can make a difference.
I think it's a real problem that we need to address. I think the right wing is wrong about it, but I think they're wrong about a lot of things.
I think it's a real problem that needs to be addressed. I think the solutions being proposed are not the right ones.